I am truly inspired and invigorated to pursue my gifts. I had such a wonderful time talking to you and the session was cathartic. You provide such a lovely pace and energy and I am so grateful I found you. I just downloaded the file- I am excited to transcribe it and see if there are any cool tid-bits I can find that I forgot about. — Brittany F., Dallas, Texas I recognized an immediate positive change in the way I hold and express myself after the session. I am amazed by how much change I felt in myself after this process. During the session, I was initially very nervous and had trouble speaking so openly about my thoughts and feelings, but after the hypnosis there was definitely not as much hesitation as I felt in the beginning. You have a very easy presence to be around and I am looking forward to continue working with you. I appreciate the detailed comments about the session as well. I will let you know when I am ready for another session, it will most likely be an LBL. Thank you so much again for facilitating this transforming experience. — Kayleigh M., Waxahachie, Texas Thank you ever so much for your patience and diligence with me. My soul sits at peace, which is a marvelous gift. — Annie R., Pharr, Texas As I’ve reflected on my session I have received more and more! It was such an amazing session! There was definitely more going on than I could even put into words. I find the questions to be incredibly important, and I think you did a wonderful job knowing what needed to be asked. There were a few that you had asked and I thought “Yes! That’s a great question!” That is one of the top reasons I prefer hypnosis and having a guide rather than attempting to explore on my own. I find it harder to get the message when I’m on my own. That’s something I would love to build on as well. Thank you again for an awesome session! I felt so comfortable and safe exploring with your guidance! I will definitely be back! I’m hoping to make this a monthly thing! — Deserae E., Haslet, Texas I had a fantastic experience with you, and a lot to think about. — Alexis G., Houston, Texas I just wanted to check in with you and give you an update. I've been sending some people your direction, so hopefully, you've been contacted by a few. Since the regression, I have felt different, but it's difficult to explain. I can only say that something shifted. The people around me have also seemed to shift perspective for me, and I'm approaching things with a different demeanor. I haven't gotten in the pool yet, but I'm craving to, so it will happen soon. The suffocating feeling in my chest has lifted, and the dull pain from my back (that I wasn't fully aware of) is gone. At some point, I'd like to schedule another session focusing on my physical health and any thoughts/emotions that seem to be tied to it. Let's not forget that pesky fear of heights. Thank you for what you do. — Sara R., Austin, Texas Thank you for working with me. Truly life changing. — Kim B., Houston, Texas Thank you so very much for the gift you offered me by facilitating in such a beautiful way, your time and timing and gentle soul. I am hugely appreciative and found the session to be of such benefit. I feel massive relief and am excited at now being able to move forward. — Joy N., Hobart, Tasmania Ever since our session I feel I see things so much more clearly. Your website is very true to how I have felt this week. I have been daydreaming again and seeing things in nature so much more crisply. We are both looking forward to our next appointment! — Robin F., Houston, Texas Thanks for the recording and for the session, of course! It was definitely an exploration to higher awareness. — S. D., Hungary Today I sat and meditated silently for the first time since our session. For the first time in my life I stepped into what seemed to me a different plane of energy. I saw this plane — this life— but solely in the eye of energy. These small but monumental moments are so powerful. Ever since I left your doorstep I feel more connected to myself than I ever have. Something I have been so disconnected from for such a long time is coming into new light. I have you to thank for that. For the first time in my entire life I don't feel anxious. I feel at peace. In control. You have revolutionized this life for me. I hope you understand just how powerful your gifts are. I would scream your work from the mountaintops, as you have opened my eyes to the truth and the light. This beautiful, beautiful light. Again, thank you. — Lindsey J., Aledo, Texas I've been meaning to reach out to you to give you an update. After my session earlier in the year, I still wasn't completely sold. However, I was amazed when the lower back pain that I've had for years actually went away. It didn't dawn on me until about 2 months afterwards. Still to date, I don't have that lower back pain. Aside from that, more things have been opening up to me that make sense. I guess this is a long thank you for helping me. I'm eager to get back for another session. I'm sending you positive vibes and thoughts. Until I see you again for my next session. — Andrew C., McKinney, Texas I read, "Surround yourself with people who you trust, to protect and empower you throughout your journey." I thought of you. Thanks again for working with me. I feel hopeful and lighter. — Carolyn B., Fort Worth, Texas I want to say how important your work is and this healing modality you are practicing is absolutely transformational. Thank you! — Scott H., Westworth Village, Texas My thoughts, if I can sort them. This was such a profound session for me. I honestly have no words to describe exactly how I feel. Seeing, feeling and sensing so much at once was overwhelming. Listening to an ethereal Being that was so connected yet apart was mind-blowing. I cannot truly tell you everything in my Being at the moment that would make sense. I can say this, you made it possible to see my essence, and the essence of countless others. Never have I felt like that, and basically like I do at this moment. Bound and unbound. Here and not. — A.J. W., Fort Worth, Texas I'm curious to see what changes occur over the next couple of months, and I know they will as this session opened up and let free so many painful feelings from past lives. You helped me see that I was ready to shrug off the overcoat of guilt and shame borne of many difficult lifetimes, and I cannot thank you enough for being there to usher me through these experiences. Your calm reassurance and emotional support let me crack open the emotional shell I had formed around myself and my heart. What surfaced was so much deeper - and with so many layers - that the act of pulling out everything I could possibly release at one time felt very effective. I could feel my body lightening and visually see it as the colors transformed from black and red to gray to light gray to white - magnetizing and pulling the dark memories and unnecessary feelings out of me. I am grateful for the experience and can't thank you enough for continuing to work with me! — Tammy K., Fort Worth, Texas Hey just wanted to let you know we made it to the Philippines. Absolutely no issues on any of the 3 flights we took including the 14 hour one! I kept thinking what occurred to me in the last session I had while flying and had absolutely no issues. I wish now I had learned about Dr. Newton and you years ago. It certainly would have saved me a lot of grief. We actually went to the Taoist Temple here which was on the top of one of the highest mountains here and it totally overlooks the entire city of Cebu. I was able to get right up to the ledge overlook with no feeling of apprehension. There is no way I would have gotten close to the edge before. Due to all the openness there was. You could see for miles. Now I have some amazing photos of the experience. It's just amazing what you miss out on when you have these kind of issues before they are resolved. Thanks again this has been a life changer. — Stacy N., Fort Worth, Texas I wanted an LBL session because I had recently lost my mother and brother, which were the last of my family. This was the best thing I could have ever done. I was becoming increasingly depressed and feeling very much alone in the world. In that session I got to be with all of my family again. I also got to meet my three spirit guides. I always knew I had spirit guides because they would come to me in my sleep. But it was amazing to actually meet them and feel the protective love they exuded. I haven't felt that despair and loneliness since that session. — Melissa P., Fort Worth, Texas I wanted you to know that every session with you has been amazing. Thank you for helping me uncover strength and emotional health that seemed just out of reach. I always came away with something either lifted or changed or improved. Simply that I was safe moving through the day. Have struggled with the safety issue for a very long time, and I appreciate the safety and trust that emanate from you. Also, the assurance that every aspect of each of the sessions we did was up to me..... sessions that were hardest turned out to be the most helpful, most worthwhile, and have stayed with me. I truly cannot thank you enough for insight and care taken. Thank you. You have helped me more than you know. — Lin R., Fort Worth, Texas You may recall I did a session with you several months ago. I was looking for help with shyness and fear I have experienced around other people for most of my life. Not having done this work before, I didn't know what to expect, but under your guidance the session was a very comfortable and relaxing experience. It allowed me to bring distant memories and feelings to the forefront that helped me to understand myself better. After we finished, I knew that I had experienced some significant breakthroughs in dealing with my issues, but I wasn't sure how or if that would manifest itself in my everyday life. The passage of time since the session has allowed me to see a difference. I feel less fear around other people, and I am more confident and comfortable in social settings. Thank you so much. I just want you to know that you have made a difference in my life. — John A., Fort Worth, Texas What an amazing experience! For me, it was a life changing session. I found answers to a question that I have had for many years. — Cindy M., Fort Worth, Texas |